with live Lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacteria

Belly friendly


Why to drink Ferla?
Because human health begins in the gut. Ferla supports digestion with billions of beneficial bacteria and enriches the gut microbiome. Ferla drink contains beneficial bacterial strains in the maximum possible concentration. Each ml of drink contains a billion, it means 1,000,000,000 nest-forming units of beneficial gut bacteria.
The name Ferla comes from the word fermentation. During this process, lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria, which promote digestion, multiply. Read more about the special nature of the process and the benefits of our probiotic juice in blog.

What it contains?
- Water
- Gabbage
- Beetroot
- Carrot
- Lingonberry
- Sourdough with live Lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacteria
- Himalayan salt
Ferla is a drink for those, who care about their health! It does not contain preservatives or sugars. Its caloric value is 1 kcal per 100 ml. The beautiful color and long shelf life of the drink is achieved thanks to the fermentation of vegetables. The drink has Estonian ingredients (except salt).

How to consume
Serve yourself a small amount at a time - preferably 100 ml. The best time to drink Ferla is 20 minutes before a meal on an empty stomach. Many people like to start their day with a Ferla drink. Ferla is also ideal after sports and after sauna.
Half a glass of Ferla drink per day is quite enough to feel its beneficial effect!
If you don't like drinking a sour drink on its own, you can also take it with a meal, mix it with juice or dilute it with water. Ferla works well in a smoothie, making it probiotic.
At first, the taste of Ferla's drink may be unfamiliar. Experience shows that after just a few days, the sour taste of this fermented vegetable drink becomes more and more pleasant.


The recipe for Ferla drink was developed by the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation (EAS) from the funds of the European Regional Development Fund in the amount of 9,803 euros. The goal of the project was to develop a recipe for a fermented vegetable drink that contains the optimal amount and the right species of live Lactic acid bacteria. As a result of the project, the best recipe was created to start production. The drink has analyzes from a scientific institution.
2024-2026 aastatel renoveerib Ferla osaliselt Rõuge mõisa vana tallihoone, millest saab Ferla uus tootmishoone. Osaliselt rahastab ehitustöid Euroopa Liidu Regionaalarengu Fond Kagu-Eesti ettevõtluse arengutoetuse meetmest summas 60 000 eurot.
Ferla belongs to the local food network UMA MEKK in Old Võromaa.

The drink was developed with the support by professor Raivo Vokk, Estonia's most renowned food scientist, who has been researching fermented foods for over 30 years as a researcher.
When asking from Raivo Vokk for a quote, he wrote very directly: "HAVE FERMENTED VEGETABLE DRINK with your MEAL and you will be HEALTHY!"

Ferla TEAM

Kadri has two professional passions: environmental protection and health. Ferla combines both. It is worth contacting Kadri with exciting cooperation opportunities.
Kail is the hero of our production. Under his management, the vegetables and berries of beautiful Võrumaa become a power food that promotes digestion and raises immunity.

– Kadri –
Kadri has two professional passions: environmental protection and health. Ferla combines both. It is worth contacting Kadri with exciting cooperation opportunities.

– KAIL –
Kail is the hero of our production. Under his management, the vegetables and berries of beautiful Võrumaa become a power food that promotes digestion and raises immunity.
5 most common questions that Ferla receives on a daily basis
1. Can I drink Ferla for more than 100 ml per day?
2. If I order several Ferla packs, how long will it last and how can I store it?
3. Should I consume Ferla drink in courses?
4. At what age can Ferla drink be introduced to children?
5. Can pregnant women drink Ferla drink?
- less chance of giving birth to a premature baby
- the child will have fewer allergies, food intolerances and autoimmune diseases in the future
- less gas pains for the baby
- stronger immunity of the child
Contact us
We look forward to your wishes, suggestions and feedback.
Let us know what you think!